A little information about this game
This is a 2D/3D game (2D gameplay but 3D objects), it currently runs on GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows.
The game (code) is designed with cross platform in mind, so other OSes can easily be supported.
It is using ODE for the physics
This game is created so that you will NOT need a "cool" 3D modeller to create maps, you place simple objects to create the map!

This project now runs on Mac OS X!
I have not released any builds for it yet, but you can build it yourself with xcode
A little movie: Click me

In the middle of the wxWidgets port (from SDL to wxWidgets) the code have gotten really messy.
So the development have been "on hold" for some time now, sorry about that.

Current features
* OpenGL hardware acceleration
* Frustum Culling
* Integrated map editor
* Dynamic physics
* Collision detection
* Ogg Vorbis decoding
* OpenAL for the audio
* Cross platform
* Gzip compression and decompression
* Built in screenshot feature
* Built in map editor (currently very poor and may crash...)
* Virtual filesystem
* Cross platform write directory support (i.e. in *nix, ~/.comp/prod)
* And a lot of more internal goodness ;)

I have release a tech preview release now for GNU/Linux and Windows
The win32 version was built with a cross compiler
Download it here: Linux Win32

A screenshot

Copyright 2004 Alexander Bussman

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